September 2019 TSC Replacement of Teachers in Primary and Post Primary Institutions for June-July 2019

Join Our Telegram Group The Teachers Service Commission is advertising 4117 posts to replace teachers who have exited service through Natural Attrition (3348 posts for Primary Schools and 769 posts for Post Primary Institutions). Eligible candidates should meet the following…

Professional Tips on How to Deal with Students Who Propose Sexual Relationships

Join Our Telegram Group Students asking for a sexual relationship is not uncommon in schools and it doesn’t, therefore, come as a surprise when the teacher is overwhelmed by the thought of being approached by a student for sex. It,…

2019 TSC Recruitment Vacancies for Teaching Posts In Primary and Secondary Schools

Join Our Telegram Group The Teachers Service Commission is advertising 5,000 posts for recruitment of teachers to support the 100 percent transition policy from Primary to Secondary Schools as follows: – A.    RECRUITMENT OF NEW TEACHERS (4000 POSTS) Eligible candidates should…

KNUT Teachers to Get No Pay Rise and Lose All Pay Benefits, Says TSC

The Kenya National Union of Teachers KNUT members will not get pay rise, this is according to the Teachers Service Commission. TSC says that the above group of teachers will lose all the benefits stipulated in the career progression guidelines….

How to Teach Chemistry to Weak Students

Chemistry is a very easy subject, but most of the students find it often hard to understand. It’s not difficult to learn chemistry, though it is tough to teach it. Unfortunately, most of the time, the teacher’s way of teaching…

KUCCPS Opens 2019 Diploma and Certificate Courses Application to National Polytechnics, TTIs & TVCs!

The Kenya Universities and Colleges Central Placement Service (KUCCPS) has once again opened their online portal to allow 2019 applications for a Diploma, Craft Certificate or Artisan Certificate courses. Application is through KUCCPS Online Portal The KUCCPS Online portal is…

2019 KEYA Assessment Criteria for Grade 3 Learners by KNEC

The following are the 2019 instructional guidelines to teachers in assessing the Grade 3 Learners. The guidelines have been issued by the Kenya National Examination Council, KNEC. The guidelines are meant to help in monitoring the 2019 Grade 3 learners…

Why Children Need to Start School Late

For generations, schools have opened their doors to young students, most especially in Kenya; where parents are forced to make their children start school early, given the economic situation in the country. A lot of time and efforts is focused…

Research Shows How Chocolate Can Boost Students’ Brain Power

Chocolates are loved and hated for their sweetness, benefits, and effects. Chocolates are made from cocoa which is dried and fermented before they can be ready to created delicious mouth-watering tastes. A lot of research, therefore, has been done on…

Role of the father in their Children’s Education

Child education starts at home and fathers play important roles in a child’s life; his support for learning activities at home is critical to children’s education. A balance of education at school and home helps the child to learn better….