So Sad: A Teacher Dies on his Way for KNEC Training in Nairobi
Join Our Telegram Group A history and geography teacher at Sosio secondary school in Ololchan Location of Kilgoris Constituency, Narok County has passed on. Mr. Francis Kimurgor Kemboi alias ‘Franco’ died today morning following a road accident in Narok. Mr. Kimurgor was headed to Nairobi for the Kenya National Examinations Council (KNEC) examiners training exercise. He was scheduled to attend the exercise at St. George’s high school, which officially starts tomorrow Monday. Mr. Kimurgor hailed from Kebulonik location, Kabiyet settlement in Nandi County. He was an alumnus of Masinde Muliro University of Science…
Tumu Tumu Girls High School on Spot for Physically Assaulting and Bullying 32 Girls
Join Our Telegram Group Tumu Tumu Girls High School is on the Spot for harassing, Physically Assaulting and Bullying 32 Girls on suspicion of being lesbians. Located in Kirimukuyu location in Nyeri County, Tumu Tumu Girls high school is on the spot for allegedly…
200 Phobias that Can Kill Your Child or Student that You Must Know
Join Our Telegram Group We have heard of numerous mysterious deaths of students in Kenya. Most of which have occurred either in school dorms or just within the general school compound. The deaths have hit the headlines so hard leaving…
Want Better Grades? Add these 18 Tricks to your Lecture Method when Teaching Kenyan Students
Want Better Grades? Add these 18 Tricks to your Lecture Method when Teaching Kenyan Students. Today, I will discuss the 17 best tricks to employ when using the lecture method in teaching Kenyan secondary and primary students. I intend to…
Teacher strikes affect schools to close
Schools and Colleges Close due to Teachers Strike Teachers have downed their tools, driving schools to an early close or open late. Hundreds of teachers joined other fellow public sector workers to a stop-work rally in Hobart’s City Hall and…
Kindergarten Teacher detained for Poisoning 23 children with Sodium Nitrite
A teacher has been detained after allegedly poisoning 23 pupils in China, according to the state media reports. The teacher identified as Mr. Wang of a school in Jiaozuo City in Henan province was arrested after 23 children were hospitalised due to poisoning, Xinhua news agency said. Jiaozuo police said the teacher is believed to have poisoned the children’s food with sodium nitrate, which can be toxic and possibly fatal when overexposed. The children started fainting and vomiting after eating their breakfast porridge. The News Agency…
Read This Controversial Article and Find out More about Why Girls Do Not Take Physics
Why Most Kenyan Girls Do Not Take Physics as a Subject The number of girls taking physics in secondary schools is very low – but it doesn’t have to be that way This article looks at the measures we can…
How to Source Funds to Manage Kenya Science and Engineering Fair Projects
Tips and Ideas to Source Funds to Manage Science Clubs Financing of Kenya Science and engineering fair projects has been a bottleneck in the development of quality items that compete successfully up to the national level. To this end, most…
Role of the Teacher in Kenya Science and Engineering Fair (KSEF)
A. Science Project Preparation and Initiation a)The role of the teacher in preparation Kenyan teachers are involved enormously in Kenya Science and Engineering Fair KSEF activities. They play critical and crucial roles in sensitizing the students, initiating science fairs, supervising…
Score Sheets for Kenya Science & Engineering Fair (KSEF) 2019
Score Sheet to Assess Written Communication in Write-Ups And Posters in KSEF 2019 THE KENYA SCIENCE AND ENGINERING FAIR (KSEF)-SCORE SHEET (SESSION ONE) Judge’s Name & Signature Part A ……………/30 Name of learner(s): 1………………………………………….. 2…………………………………………. Title of project …………………………Reg. No…