Teaching Tips

Reprieve for Muslim students Stopped from Praying Within School Compound

Visa Oshwal Academy Muslim students will be allowed to continue holding prayers within the school compound pending a final court decision.

One of the parents and the Supreme Council of Kenya Muslims (SUPKEM), had filed a case against the school – located in Nairobi’s Parklands – for imposing policies contravening their constitutional freedom to worship.

The school had barred the Muslim pupils from praying in the afternoon hours, inside the school.

The parents claim, the school bridged article 32 of the Kenyan Constitution through it’s January 12, 2019 circular.
“The school doesn’t allow pupils of Islamic faith to observe their afternoon prayers inside the school at lunchtime,” said a parent.

“During lunchtime, there isn’t any co-curricular activity taking place,” continued the parent.

Previously, the parents used to be allowed to pick their children for lunch and return them for afternoon classes, before the new school rules came to effect.

“On Fridays, our children could walk over to Parklands Mosque for prayers,” said the parent.

They were then stopped from picking their children for lunch after the sad September 2013 Westgate terrorist attack. Left with no option, the Muslim students were forced to start praying within the school.

“We tried talking with the school on the issue but the talk was fruitless,” said one of the parents


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