How to use a Computer to Study Effectively – Must Read
Join Our Telegram Group In today’s world, technology is applied in almost every field, and education is no exception. Since education is largely impacted by technology, it is necessary for both students and teachers to use the technological advancements that…
How to Improve Students’ Safety in Our Kenyan Schools
Join Our Telegram Group Due to increasing school tragedies, fires just being one of them, teachers and administrators need ideas on how to improve students’ safety in schools. There has been a concern by the government and other education stakeholders…
Why Teachers and Students Should Embrace E-learning
Join Our Telegram Group With the dawn of e-learning just about in the country, it is normal for questions about the viability of this new avenue and its pros and cons to arise. Questions like, as a teacher, where does…
Mystery Behind the New CBC Curriculum
When the topic of the new Competency-Based Curriculum CBC is raised, no one in the country can clearly tell the next sure move. Sometimes even our entrusted government doesn’t seem certain on whether they have made the right decision in…
TSC Teachers Replacement Vacancies in Primary and Secondary School for FEBRUARY – MARCH 2019
TEACHERS SERVICE COMMISSION REPLACEMENT OF TEACHERS WHO HAVE EXITED SERVICE IN PUBLIC PRIMARY AND SECONDARY SCHOOLS FOR THE MONTHS OF FEBRUARY AND MARCH 2019 Teachers Service Commission has advertised 919 posts to replace teachers who have exited service through Natural…
Why we should Make Sex Education in Schools Compulsory like Maths
The debate on whether sex and sexuality education should be taught in our schools is gaining momentum. Some groups are championing for the introduction of sex education and its awareness. Another group led mainly by the church is strongly opposed…
Should Teachers Give their Phone Numbers to Parents and Students?
If you were a teacher, would you comfortably give out your phone number to parents and students? For most teachers, giving their phone numbers to students seems more like a recipe for trouble, they will not want to be victims…
5 Secrets: How to be a Great Teacher
Several studies have consistently shown that the vital determinant of education quality is the teacher. For a child to get a quality education, the teacher must be of substance. With the changing trends in technology and Culture, teaching is indeed…
Kenya Churning Out VALUELESS Degrees
In Summary: Education CS quoted saying Kenya is churning out degrees which are valueless. Professor’s comments have aroused mixed reactions from the public The Ministry has reiterated any possibility of forgoing the new CBC curriculum KNUT Kakamega and Bungoma branch…
Jobs! Short Term Online Participation Curators Needed at KICD
There is a short term participation job vacancy at the Kenya Institute of Curriculum Development, KICD, under the Ministry of Education. The job entails online curation of interactive digital content for secondary schools. The job requires individuals who are conversant…