- Creation is making something out of nothing
- God completed creation work in 6 days
- On 6thday he created human beings.
- The Creation Of Man
- God took soil and molded man from it.
- God breathed his breath into Adams nostrils
- The trinity took part in creating man. “let us create human beings to resemble us”
Genesis 1:26-28
- Eve was formed from Adam’s ribs. Created to be a companion to Adam.
- Both were special because they were created in the image and likeness of God.
- God created them male and female; by this he ordained/blessed marriage.
Man is special because:-
- Made in the image and likeness of God.
- Can communicate to God on behalf of other creations.
- He was given authority over God’s creation
- Molded or formed unlike the rest of God’s creation
- He was given responsibility to care for God’s creation.
- He was to share God’s life by obeying his commands e.g.
- Have many children
- Do not eat…
Authority given to man
- Control the rest of God’s creation
- Use and conserve environment responsibly.
- Use God’s creation for food.
- _____________________________
- _____________________________
- _____________________________
Fall of man {Genesis 3}
- God commanded man to eat fruits from all trees except from the tree of knowledge of good and evil at the middle of the Garden of Eden.
- God told them that they will die if they ate a fruit from it.
- They disobeyed and ate.
- Cause of sin of disobedience Serpent>eve> Adam
Consequences of sin of disobedience
- Adam
- Eve
- Snake
- Both Adam and eve were chased from the garden of Eden.
- Sin separates God and man.
- Qn: what did god do to prevent man from going back to Eden? [refer primary C.R.E 6 PAGE 1-8
- Traditional African creation stories
- Every community has a traditional story of creation.
- Creation stories tell people’s origin.
- In all creation stories God is the ultimate creator.
- Different communities have different names of God depending on God’s nature and character.
Qn : name five communities and the name of their God.
- Agikuyu creation story
- God called Ngai {one who distributes}
- God’s dwelling place is Mt. Kirinyaga {Mt. Kenya}
- First man called ‘gikuyu’ and first woman ‘mumbi’
- God blessed them with nine daughters{origin of kikuyu 9 clans}
- Gikuyu prayed to God who provided sons to marry the daughters.
- God placed Gikuyu and Mumbi at Mukurwe-wa-nyagathanga.
- The Bukusu creation story{luhya community}
- God called Were Khakaba {giver of all things}Were created the universe alone in two days.
- He started by creating his dwelling place- Mt. Elgon.
- His two assistants were Mukhobe and Muramwa.
- First man called mwambu and wife Sela. He placed them at Mt. Elgon {Mt. Masaba}
- The Nandi creation story
- God called Asis
- First man and woman from a swollen knee. Knee belonged to a creature which looked like man.
Qn: can you recall creation stories from any African Community?
Similararities between African Creation Stories and Biblical Creation Stories.
- God is the creator of the universe.
- God created everything in an orderly way.
- Man is God’s special creature.
- God at first created male and female.
- The first man and woman became first parents.
- ___________________
- _____________________
- ___________________
How We Respond to God’s Creation
God’s creation shows God’s power, greatness and love towards man
- Caring for God’s creation
- Caring for the environment.
- Respect God’s creation
- Value and give equal importance to all God’s creation.
- Preserve God’s creation
- ____________
- ____________
- ____________
Topical questions
- Quick reading std 6 pg 4-5, 1-10
- Spotlight CRE 6 pg 4-6
- Primary CRE 6 pg 8-9
New Life in Traditional African Society
- New life means change/transformation a person goes through in life.
- New life involves stages in life i.e rites of passage
- Rites of passage include:-
- Birth
- Initiation
- Marriage
- Death.
- Birth
- Marks the beginning of new life after delivery
- Naming done by the women of the clan.
- Naming depends on one’s community.
- Newborn welcomed with gifts and ceremonies.
- Mother underwent ritual cleansing after delivery.
- Initiation
- Passage from childhood to adulthood.
- Ceremonies include circumcision, removal of teeth, tattooing e.t.c
- Bloodshed joins the initiates with the ancestors.
- Bathing in the river signifies casting/riding off childhood.
- Initiates kept in isolation period {seclusion} to be taught responsible adult behavior.
- Gateway to marriage.
- Mainly for having children {seals marriage}
- Polygamous nature.
- Choosing of marriage partners done by community.
- Divorce rare because wife belongs to the community.
- Married couple takes up new family responsibilities.
- Joins the dead to the ancestral world.
- One starts a new life in the spiritual world.
- The deceased family starts a new life without the deceased.
Nb:- new life can be experienced when people move to new areas. Genesis 12:1-9 Abraham moved from to .
New Life in Christianity {2 Corinthians 5:17, Ephesians 4:17 -32}
- Starts when Christians believe and accept Jesus in their lives.
- Christians are followers of Jesus Christ.
- Baptism is a symbol of new life in Christ.
- Christians are filled with the Holy Spirit who helps them live a holy life by avoiding evil deeds.
- The Holy Spirit helps Christians practice Christian values.
- We share new life in Christ by:-
- Reading the bible
- Singing in choir
- ______________
- _______________
- ______________
How We Give Our Lives to God
- When we dedicate our lives to God, the Holy Spirit controls our lives
- We give our lives to God by:
- Praying and reading the bible
- Praising and worshiping God.
- Giving offerings.
- Participating in community projects
- ________________
- ________________
- ________________
Genesis 12:1-9
The Call of Abraham
- Called while at and commanded to move to
- Abraham agreed because he had a great faith in
- God promised Abraham:-
- Many descendants
- Great nation
- Blessings
- Protection
- Land
- Son
- Great name.
Malachi 3:8-12
- Tithe – a tenth of one’s income [money or possession]
- God wants us to give part of our income as a way of giving our lives.
God Sharing With Us a New Life {Titus 3:4-8} By :-
- By giving us Jesus to sane man from sins
- Giving us Holy Spirit who is our helper.
- Showing mercy, kindness, love and grace.
- Promising and giving eternal life.
Christian Sharing With Others {Acts 2:44-47, 4:34-35, 6:1-6}
– The early Christians lived a common life by:-
- Preached together
- Prayed together
Christians share new life by:-
- Helping others
- Doing good to others
- Sharing word of God.
- _____________
- ______________
How Ancestors Served the Clan {Genesis 1:26-29}
Clan- group of people with the same/common ancestor
- Ancestors served God by?-
- Performing special duties i.e. healing, making rain, priestly duties, protection, solving disputes e.t.c.
- Protecting the community- warriors
- Offering sacrifices- priests
- Teaching virtues and values
- Keeping custom and cultures.
- Settling disputes.
- Caring for members of the community
- __________
- ___________
How Ancestors Shared Their Possession {Matthew 25:33-40}
- Life was communal- each member was catered for according to needs.
- The gap between the rich and the poor was minimized.
- A person’s wealth was measured in term of:-
- Number of children
- Number of animals
- Size of land
- Number of wives
Cultivated land belonged to the aged.
- Shared work
- Welcomed strangers.
Mathew 25:33-40
- We will be judged according to how we share our possession especially with the needy.
- We should show concern for the needy.
How Christians Share Talent/Skills with Others
- God given talents include
- Singing
- Teaching
- ______________
- _______________
- _______________
- _______________
- Talents are special gifts given by God.
- Skills are learnt and perfected.
- Christians should use different talents and skills to do the work of God.
How Christians Share Their New Life with Jesus {Mathew 25:33-40}
- Christians share their new life with Jesus by helping the needy e.g.:-
- Visiting prisoners
- Feeding the hungry
- Clothing the naked.
- Caring for the sick and the aged.
- Welcoming strangers.
- When Christians help the needy Jesus assure them of great reward i.e will join Him and rejoice forever in heaven.
Revision questions
- Primary CRE 6 pg 26-27, 1-11
- Quick reading CRE pg 11-12, 1-10
- Spotlight CRE 6 pg 12-15
- Importance Of Sharing A Meal {Luke 19:1-10}
- People share meals on many occasions’ e.g. parties,____________, __________, ___________and
Sharing of meals is important because:-
- Brings people together.
- Promotes sense of belonging and harmony.
- Promotes unity in the family
- It is a sign of love, generosity, friendship and care.
Luke 19:1-10
- Jesus shared a meal with a tax collector called
- Zacheaus lived in the town of ___________
- He climbed on a________tree in order to ________because he was ________
- People grumbled why Jesus shared a meal with___________
- Zachaeus agreed to change his life after sharing a meal with Jesus.
- We should share with others irrespective of their reputation.
b) The Meaning Of Passover
- The last meal then Israelites celebrated in Egypt before they left.
- It is called Passover because the angel of death passed over Israelites homes and spared them.
- Israelites:
- Slaughtered a one year old lamb
- Roast its meat whole
- Broke none of its bone.
- Ate all meat
- Ate it with unleavened bread and bitter herbs.
- Ate while standing.
- Eaten only by circumcised me.
- Marked the begging of new life for Israelites
- Was taught from one generation to another and celebrated annually.
- Why did the Israelites celebrate Passover feast each year?
- What did they eat during the feast?
– We should depend on God’s power and protection during challenging situations.
What Jesus said and did during the last supper
What Jesus did | What he said |
1. Took a cup of wine and gave thanks | 1. Take this and share among yourselves |
2. | 2. |
3. | 3. |
4. | 4. |
5. | 5. |
Question: which was the most disturbing statement Jesus said during the Last Supper?
Symbols Jesus used
- Unleavened bread- Jesus’ body {Holy Communion}
- Wine – Jesus’ blood.
Why We Remember Death and Resurrection Of Jesus
{Luke 24:1-9, 1 Corinthians 11:23-26}
- It gives Christians hope for eternal life.
- It reminds us of God’s love.
- It strengthens our faith.
- It assures forgiveness of sins.
- His death is final and most perfect sacrifice for our sins.
- It confirms God’s promises are true.
Luke 24:1-9
- On which day did the women visit the tomb of Jesus?
- Who were these women:
- Why did they visit the tomb of Jesus?
- Which 3 strange things did they encounter with in the tomb?
- Resurrection of Jesus gives Christians
How the Communion is Shared
- Christians celebrate the Holy Communion to remember the death and resurrection of Jesus.
- The shared bread represents the body of Jesus and the wine the blood of Jesus..
- Christians show unity when celebrating Holy Communion.
- Christians proclaim death and resurrection of Jesus until He comes again.
Acts 2:42-27
Early believer lived in unity by:-
- Fellowshipping together.
- Praying together.
- Sharing meals.
- Sharing possession with each other.
- Sharing Holy Communion.
John 6:1-14
- Jesus demonstrated pity and kindness.
- Jesus asked ________where to get food from. But _________discovered a _______with_________and__________.
- Jesus blessed it,__________and fed the multitude and________ baskets remained.
Getting Ready For the Second Coming of Jesus Christ
2 peter 3:10-15
- Christians should get ready for the second coming of Jesus for there will be no warning.
- We should prepare ourselves by:-
- Living pure and holy lives.
- Repenting and asking God for forgiveness
- Living prayerful lives.
- Obeying God’s commandments.
- Believing and accepting Jesus in our lives.
- ______________
- ______________
- ______________
2 peter 3:10-15
- Jesus will come unexpectedly.
- Jesus will come as a thief
- Qn: state the events of that day
Meaning Of Repentance and Forgiveness {Luke 15:11-32}
- Repentance- act of feeling sorry of wrong doings.
- Forgiveness – willingness to pardon those who wrong us.
- God always forgives us:-
- When we are truly sorry of our wrongs.
- When we forgive those who wrong us.
- Repentance and forgiveness strengthens our relationship with God.
- Jesus taught repentance and forgiveness using the parable of the prodigal son
- Sinners- lost son
- God- loving father.
Celebrating Breaking of Bread {1 Corinthians 11:23-32}
- Breaking of bread is also called :-
- Lord’s supper
- Lord’s table
- The holy communion
- The Eucharist
- The holy mass.
- Christians by celebrating the holy communion obey Jesus command “do this in remembrance of me”
- Christians remember death and resurrection of Jesus.
- Before breaking bread one should repent sins.
Values Required During the Breaking of Bread
- Humility
- Love
- Happiness
- Sharing
- Thankfulness
- Caring
- Patience
- Tolerance
By celebrating the Holy Communion Christians demonstrate unity, togetherness, love, humility, joy, appreciation and giving.
Revision questions
- Primary CRE 6 pg 43-44
- Quick reading CRE pg 16-17
- Spotlight CRE 6 pg 21-24
People with special needs
- The blind {visually impaired}
- The lame or crippled {physically impaired}
- The deaf {hearing impaired}
- The mentally handicapped.
- The behaviorally and emotionally disturbed.
- Those with communication disorders{mute or dumb}
- The orphans
- The poor
- The street children
- People living with HIV/AIDS
- The refugees.
- The sick
1. Visually impaired {blind}
- Challenge – cannot see or read.
- Require assistance when walking.
- Use Braille to read.
- Causes – old age, accidents, sickness, born blind
John 9:1-12
- Jesus encounter with a man born blind.
- Disciples asked the cause of his blindness.
- Jesus said- sins never caused blindness. Born that way for God’s power to be seen at work.
- Jesus healed him by:-
- Spitting on the ground.
- Made mud
- Rubbed it on his eyes.
- Sent him to wash his face at the pool of Siloam
- As Christian we should help the blind enjoy life like normal people
2. The Physically Impaired
- Challenge – cannot walk without help
- Discrimination at work places.
- Difficulties at work
- Causes:- accidents, sickness, born that way.
Acts 3:1-10
- Peter told him that they did not have money but we will give you what we have.
- He told him to walk in the name of Jesus and he got healed.
Mark 2:1-12
- Jesus healed a paralyzed man lowered from the roof.
- He was healed because of the faith of those who brought him.
- Jesus forgave him his sins and told him to rise up take his mat and go home.
- Jesus healed him to show that he had power to forgive sins.
- Christians help the lame to enjoy life.
3. The Hearing Impaired {The Deaf}
- Challenge- cannot hear.
- Difficulties in communication
- Causes: accidents, loud sounds, being born, mishandling ears.
Mark 7:31-35, 37
- Jesus healed a deaf man by placing his fingers in the ears.
- Jesus said “Ephphatha”- meaning open-up.
- Christians should be concerned with people who are deaf.
4. Mentally Handicapped
- Challenge- mental sickness
- Causes: evil spirits {witchcraft}, sickness{brain damage
Matthew 8:28-34
- Jesus met with a man possessed by demons.
- The man lived among the tombs.
- The demons begged Jesus not to destroy them.
- Jesus ordered them to leave the man {mob] and entered a herd of pigs.
- The owner of the pigs forced Jesus to leave their territory.
- Jesus probed he has power over evil spirits.
- Christians should help the mentally sick by:-
- Providing daily needs
- Taking them to special schools
- _____________
5. Behaviorally And Emotionally Disturbed
- These are people who act abnormally e.g.:- Isolate themselves, cry with reason, ever absent minded, staring at nothing for a long time e.t.c.
- Causes: stress, loss of a loved one, overworking, fear e.t.c
- This condition can be overcome by:
- Trusting in God and pray over all experiences.
- Seek assistance from experts.
- Participate in sports and games.
6. The Dumb {Mute}
- Challenge- can’t speak/talk, can’t express themselves verbally
- Use gestures/signs
- Many people can’t understand sign language.
Mathew 9:22-33
- Jesus healed a man who could not talk for he had a demon.
- He ordered the demon to leave the man and he spoke
7. The Orphans
- Orphans are children whose parents are dead.
- Challenge: lack of parental love and guidance.
- If young they lack food, clothing, and shelter e.t.c.
Deuteronomy 26:12
- Moses gave instruction on use of a tenth of their produce Should be given to Levites, the foreigners, fatherless and windows.
James 1;27
- True religion is taking care of orphans and widows.
The Poor
- These people lack enough basic needs
Psalms 41:1
- King David stresses that those concerned with the poor are blessed and God will deliver them in times of trouble.
9. People living with HIV/AIDS
- These people are infected with HIV/AIDS
- HIV/AIDS is transmitted mainly through sex.
- Christians should care for them and help them lead a normal life.
10. Street Children
- These are children who are homeless and live in towns streets.
- Problems they face – lack of food, shelter, clothes, medical care e.t.c, sexual harassment.
- Causes: parental negligence, poverty, harassment at home e.t.c.
- Christians should be concerned with the street children by providing basic needs, taking them to rehabilitation centers
11. Refugees {Mathew 2:13-15, 19-23}
- These are people who have freed their countries because of war, insecurity
- Challenges : lack of shelter, food, clothing, peace e.t.c
- Christians should help refugees by:-
- Providing basic needs.
- Helping them join refugees organizations e.g. UNHCR.
How Christians support people with special needs.
- Building special schools for them. Example:
- Thika school for blind sponsored by
- Mumias school for deaf and dumb- catholic church
- __________
- ___________
- ____________
- Providing necessary equipments for challenged people.
- Building houses for orphans, refugees
- Training people on how to be self reliant
- _________
- ___________
- ___________
- __________
Why Christians should care for people with special needs {James 2:14-17}
- It is our Christian duty to do so {James 2:14-17}
- It is our responsibility to continue with the work of Jesus
- By doing so, it is a demonstration of faith with actions
- ____________
- _____________
- Primary CRE 6 pg 70-71
- Quick reading CRE 6 pg 23
- Spotlight CRE 6 pg 37-38
- Meaning Of A Responsible Life Understanding who we are in terms of
- Our abilities and interest.
- Our acceptable and unacceptable characters.
- Our feelings and how we relate with others.
- Our behaviors and seeking our goals.
- Acquiring Self- Awareness/Self-Worth {Reference Primary CRE Pg 72-73} This is when we:-
- Accept that we are God’s perfect creation
- Feel good about ourselves.
- Realize that we are important in God’s sight.
- Are unique and created for a purpose. Memory verse: Isaiah 43:4
- List two ways that shows man is a special creature.
- State a reason why God placed Adam and Eve in the Garden of Eden.
- Identifying Interests and Abilities Interest is things we enjoy doing.
Abilities are things one is able to do well and has interest in them e.g. swimming, dancing,________________, ________________ ,________________ ,________________ e.t.c.
Some abilities are natural {born with} but we acquire other abilities as we grow up.
Exodus 35:30
God gave Bazalel and________the ability and knowledge to design and make_________to make a tabernacle.
Mathew 25:14-30 [parable of 3 servants]
The master had _________servants
He gave each servant according to ones’ ability.
One he gave_________ , to another he gave_________and to another he gave_________ .The master was happy with the first two BUT condemned the third servant.
1 Peter 4:10-11
Saint Peter teaches that the gifts of the Holy Spirit should be used to serve God.
- State seven gifts of the holy spirit {spiritual gifts}
- Why was the master unhappy with the third servant in the parable of the 3 servants?
According to exodus 35:30-35, Bazalel son of_________was given skill and abilities of all kinds of crafts,_________ , _________,_________ , and _________.
4. Character Traits Needed For Acceptance By Others
- Character are behavioral patterns
- Characters are grouped into good and bad. Good characters are called virtues {acceptable} Example: love, kindness, loyalty humility …..
- Bad characters are called vices {not acceptable}. Example: hatred, disrespect, pride….
- Explain how one acquires good characters
- If you are dishonest, how would you acquire the virtue of honest?
- Read Isaiah 43:4 “ I will give up , then memorize it.
- State 5 acceptable behaviors in a school.
- Accepting Feelings Of Self-Worth
5. We express our feelings of self-worth by:-
- Being confident
- Telling the truth
- Being honest
- Accepting change
- Sharing feelings
- Being ready to face challenges
- Appreciating ourselves and others.
Isaiah 43:4
God reminds and assures us that he loves us and we are precious to him.
6. Acquiring Socially Responsible Behavior {SRB}
These are good acts that make us acceptable to others. They are learnt from parents, school and at church Examples:
- Taking care of property {home, school, church} Living peacefully with others
- Using resources responsibly Helping the needy.
- Being kind
- Caring and preserving environment.
- Being courteous while interacting with others.
- Practicing virtues
We please God when we behave responsibly
1 Peter 2:1-5
We are advised to get rid of lying, _________ ,_________,_________and _________ .
Ephesians 4:25-32
We are advised to get rid of all bitterness, _________ , _________ _________,_________ . Instead be kind, _________ and_________
John 15-11-15
Jesus commands us to love each other just as he loves us.
Galatians 5:23-26
We learn to be gentle and have self control
Colossians 5:23-26
It is the duty of children to obey parents for this pleases God
Romans 13:1-5
We should obey those in authority because authority comes from God.
Mathew 5:14-16
- We are the light of the world.
- We should let our good deeds by light to others hence praise God.
- In 1 Peter 2:1-5, we are advised to get rid of all _____ and ______
- We should obey and state authority because?
- List down 4 unacceptable character triats.
- Ohaliab was chosen by God and given the ability to
7. Developing Goal Seeking Behavior
A goal {purpose, aspiration} is the aim or target we set for us.
Goal can be classified as:
- Short term- completing primary school
- Long term – completing high school,-university-getting a career
Ways to achieve our goals include:-
- Being creative
- Avoid harmful activities in our lives. Sharing ideas with others.
- Being persistent and never loose hope. Accepting criticism positively.
- Always praying and depending on God for guidance.
Mathew 25:14-30 {parable of 3 servants}
8. Developing Life Skills
Life skills are abilities that help a person to develop positive behavior towards solving everyday problems.
Life skills help us to develop assertiveness, make decisions, critical thinking, creative thinking and responding skills.
a) Assertiveness
Assertiveness is being able to express our opinion strongly and confidently. It means saying no when you mean NO and YES when you mean yes.
It involves:
- Standing up for your rights
- Refusing gifts and lifts from strangers.
- Refusing to accompany friends to unknown place
- Insist on working hard to achieve goals.
- Refusing to be influenced by other people negatively.
Being assertive does not mean we become more aggressive and disrespectful to other people.
Genesis 39:1-12
Joseph was assertive because he_______to go to bed with_________ wife. Joseph was assertive because he knew what was right and wrong.
[Related story: primary CRE pg 87-88]Nb: Christians can be assertive by being open and honest and refusing to commit sin.
b) Decision making
Ability to make correct choices or judgments about something
Involves making wise choices which helps us achieve our goals. Helps us to resolve conflicts and dilemma.
Provides the opportunity to choose the best option.
a) What important decisions have you made today?
{Reference to primary CRE 6 pg 91}
John 11:1-44
Lazarus and his two sisters [Mary and Martha} lived in Bethany. Lazarus got sick.
Mary and_______decided to send for Jesus.
Jesus delayed for two more days but later made a decision to visit Lazarus’ family. Disciples, though they feared, made a decision to go with Jesus.
Jesus decided to bring Lazarus to life: power to give life.
- Christians should make correct decisions in life particular to follow Jesus. We should make decisions that are in line with God’s commandments.
- We should aim at glorifying God with our decisions. {Related story: Primary CRE 6 pg 90}
c) Critical thinking {Luke 11:37-44}
This is being able to make fair and careful judgments about good and bad qualities of people or something.
Involves exploring possibilities of doing a task in more than one way. Helps us to express our judgments after analyzing a situation.
Helps us to respect views of other people in achieving our goals.
Luke 11:37-44
- Jesus was invited to a Pharisee’s house for a meal. Jesus did not wash his hands.
- Jesus criticized Pharisees for their hypocrisy by:
- Washing the outside of their cups and plates while inside ws full of violence and evil.
- Giving tenth of their harvest but neglected justice and love of God.
- They loved the reserved seats in the synagogues and be greeted with respect.
d) Developing creative thinking
This is being able to develop new ideas and methods especially when tackling a problem. Involves imagining, improvising and coming up with new things.
Helps us to respect the views of other people.
Luke 20-19-26
Teachers of law wanted to trap and arrest Jesus.
The spies asked Jesus whether it was right to pay taxes. Jesus was creative, he did not answer yes or no
Jesus asked for a _ coin and asked them whose face appeared on the coin.
Jesus concluded by saying “pay to______what belongs to_____and to God what_____to God”.
{Related story: primary CRE 6 pg 96-97
e) How to listen and respond
To listen is to concentrate on hearing something by paying attention.
To respond is to act in response to something.
Involves our attentiveness, patience and acting obediently.
John 3:1-21
Jesus and Nicodemus had a discussion. They listened and responded to each other.
Nicodemus wondered how he could be born again.
Jesus responded to him by explaining to him how to be born again. Jesus was a good listener; he listened and responded to Nicodemus. Nb: we should listen and respond to the word of God.
{Related story: primary CRE 6 pg 98-100}
- Gifts Of The Holy Spirit {Spiritual Gifts} 1 Corinthians 12:4-11}
- Knowledge
- Faith
- Wisdom
- Healing
- Working miracles
- Preaching
- Discerning spirits.
- Speaking in tongues
- Interpreting tongues.
- Fruits of the Holy Spirit {Galatians 5:22-23}
- Love
- Joy
- Peace
- Patience
- Kindness
- Goodness
- Faithfulness
- Gentleness
- Self-control.
{Related story: Primary CRE pg 103-104}
3. The Story Of Gideon {Judges 6:11-16, 7:1-3, 7:16-22} Life history
His home village was called Ophrah
An angel appeared to him when threshing wheat. His tribe was Manasseh {weakest tribe}
His father was called Joash.
- God was angry with the Israelites for their sins. He let the Amalekites and Midianites attack them.
- God heard the Israelites cry and sent Gideon to save them.
- Gideon {meaning great worrier} complained at first because:- His tribe was the weakest, He was the least in his family.
- God promise to be with Gideon to fight Medianites.
- God helped Gideon to defeat Medianites with 300 soldiers.
- From Gideon story we learn to follow God’s instructions to succeed.
- Gideon’s soldiers were to blow the _____ , break_____and shout, “ a sword_____
- How did God fight for Israelites?
- How did Gideon test his soldiers to know the courageous and true soldiers?
- Why did Gideon at first complain when he received God’s message from the angel?
{Related story: Primary CRE pg 105-6}
4. Response Of Paul to The Holy Spirit [Acts 16:6-10, 18:9-11, 20:22-24]
- Paul means small
- At first called Saul.
- Born in Tarsus and was tent maker.
- He was a Pharisee and opposed Christianity.
- He witnessed the stoning of Stephen
- On his way to Damascus, to arrest Christians, he met Jesus in form of a dazzling light.
- Jesus asked “Paul why do you persecute me?”.
- After conversion he became blind, his men led him to Judas home in Damascus.
- Ananias was sent to Paul to baptize, lay hands on him and help him regain sight.
- The Holy Spirit led Paul to preach to the gentiles.
- He wrote 10 letters [epistles] to different gentile churches
- Pauline epistles: romans,__________,__________ , __________ ,__________ , __________ , __________, __________and __________ .
- Before Paul converted to become a Christian he was a?
- Name 5 epistles in the bible that were not written by Paul.
- Who is a gentile?
- State 3 things Ananias did to Paul at Damascus{Related story: Primary CRE pg 106-107}
- How The Holy Spirit Led The Writers Of The Bible
- The bible is the Christian holy book.
- Bible is divided into:
- New Testament – 27 books Old Testament – 39 books.
- New testament {27 books}
- Gospel {4} Mathew__________ ,__________ and __________ .
- Historical {1}- Acts of the apostles {written by Luke}
- Pauline epistles {10} Romans,__________ ,__________ , __________ , __________, __________ , __________, __________, and
– iv. Other epistles {8} Hebrews, ……..
v. Prophetic books {1{Revelation written by John.
B. Old Testament {39 books}
- Books of law/ Moses/Torah –Genesis [pupils to list the others}
- Historical books {12} Judges, { pupils list the others}
- Poetic books {5} Job, {pupils list the others}
- Prophetic books {17} Isaiah, {pupils list the others}
– The main purpose of the bible is to:-
- Teach the truth about God and man. Rebuke errors
- Correct faults.
- Give instructions for right living.
6. Using The Bible As Our Guide
Philip the Ethiopian Eunuch [Acts 8:26-40}
- Philip {means lover of horses} was a famous gentile evangelist
- Holy Spirit led him to meet an Ethiopian eunuch on his way to Jerusalem.
- Philip guided him to understand prophesy of messiah according to Isaiah.
- Philip baptized Ethiopian eunuch after he believed.
Nb: We should read and understand the bible to:-
- Gain wisdom
- Learn God’s commandments.
- Learn how to live a good life.
- Experience joy in our lives
- Know the truth.
7.Charismatic Renewal of the Church In Kenya. {John 1:2. Acts 5:32, Luke 11:13}
- Charismatic means God’s grace.
- Charismatic renewal- renewing/ bringing back the experience of the presence of the
Grace of God through the Holy Spirit.
- The outpouring of the Holy Spirit leads to extensive use of gifts of the Holy Spirit in serving God.
- Renewal began in Kenya in 1970s in both catholic and protestant churches.
- Charismatic renewal is characterized by:-
- Increased desire to serve and worship God.
The reception of the gifts of the holy spirit by Christians. More fruits of the Holy Spirit seen among Christians.
- What is charismatic renewal?
- In which year was charismatic renewal experienced in Kenya?
- Name 5 spiritual gifts.
- The Ethiopian Eunuch was baptized by ________
- ________ preached the good news to Samaria.
- The early believers received power of Holy Spirit from Apostle through _______?
8. The Holy Spirit In The Life Of A Christian
- Works of the holy spirit in the life of a Christian are:-
- Giving us gifts and helping us to use them to produce fruits.
- Helps us to lead holy lives
- Gives us courage to preach good news.
- Helps in our prayers.
- Inspiring us to help others
- ____________
- ____________
- __________
John 16:15
- Jesus says all that God has is His and Holy Spirit will take what he gave him and give it to us.
1 Peter 2:1-5
- We are advised to rid ourselves of all evil, lying, , or
Acts 13:1-4
- Barnabas and were chosen and sent by the holy spirit to preach. They took to help them.
- Unity In The Church {Ephesians 4:3-6}
- Unity amongst Christians is expressed through:
- One body of Christ.
- One faith in God.
- One faith in Jesus.
- One faith in the Holy Spirit.
- Christians remain united today through:-
- The apostle creed- faith
- Working towards a common CRE syllabus.
- Attending interdenominational services/prayers.
- Conducting charity works of mercy.
- Fostering unity through organizations e.g. NCCK
- The father of Gideon was called?
- During the time of Gideon, the Israelites were attacked by?
- Who is referred to as Gentile Apostles?
- Paul and Silas were not allowed by the Holy Spirit to preach good news to____?
- How many soldiers did Gideon chose to fight the Medianites?
- Who accompanied Barnabas and Silas in their preaching work/
- When Philip met the Ethiopian Eunuch, he was reading from the book of ?
- Gideon was from the tribe of?
- State 4 believes found in the apostle creed.
- By healing a paralytic man, Jesus shows that he has power to?
- Differences in class
- God created male and female.
- God created us different in:-
- Sex
- Size
- Age
- Weight
- Talents/abilities
- Physical appearances
- Academic performance
- Denominations
Psalms 139:13-18
- God the sole creator of all of us.
- God created us in unique way
- We are fearfully and wonderfully created by God.
B. How different we are in our local community
- Ethnicity/tribe – Romans 12:4-10
- Races – Galatians 3:28, john 4:7-9
- Wealth – Luke 16:19-31, 18:24-25
- Poverty – roman 15:26-29
- Religion – 1 Corinthians 10;32-33
C. Accepting the needy people in the society
- The needy
- Orphans
- Widows
- The sick
- The hungry
- The refugees
- The disabled
- The IDP
- The aged.
We accept the needy by:
- Sharing food, clothing, shelter e.t.c with them
- Visiting the sick and the prisoners.
- Caring for orphans and widows, displaced, aged e.t.c
- Building schools
- Paying school fees for the needy.
Luke 10:27-37
- Love your neighbor [the needy} as you love yourself.
Jesus demonstrated love for neighbor by:
- Healed lepers though they were rejected and considered unclean.
- Gave the parable of the good Samaritan who helped a Jew.
- Died for all sinners.
D. We are all equally important before God.
- We have differences amongst us but we are all equal before God.
- God made us in his own likeness and image.
- God gave us power over all creations
- God wants us to live like brother and sisters {James 2:1-4}
- We should pray to God for ourselves and others.
- The rich and poor should be treated in the same way.
E. The role of the church in uniting people The church unites people by:
- Sharing the holy communion
- Conducting marriage/ wedding ceremonies.
- Conducting interdenominational prayers.
- Conducting church choirs competitions
- Universal bible study.
- Common religious instructional materials in schools.
- Enhancing working together as Christians {Ecumenism}
Psalms 133:1-3
- Teaches Christians to live together in unity and God will bless us.
James 4:11-12
- We should respect other people and their religion
- List four differences among pupils in class
- Name for ethnic communities in Kenya
- What lesson do we learn from the story of Lazarus and the rich man?
- What is the difference between a tribe and a race?
- What happened to the man who was travelling to Jericho from Jerusalem in the parable of the Good Samaritan?
- Name 3 activities that can unite people in a church
- Psalms 139:14 says we are
- Jesus healed 10 lepers, only one thanked him. The healed leper who thanked Jesus was a?
- The man who was attacked by robbers in the parable of good Samaritan was travelling from______ to______.
- State the greatest commandments according to Jesus.
What is work?
- Work is the use of physical or mental power in order to do or make something.
- Work is ordained by God.
- God worked for 6 days and rested on the seventh day.
- God put man in charge of all creations.
- God put man in the Garden of Eden and told him to care for it.
- Paul encourages us to work hard. He says those who do not work should not eat. {2 Thessalonians 3:6-12}
Why do people work today
- To provide for families
- To earn a living.
- To relies our set goals.
- To acquire property.
- To fulfill the will of God.
- To help those in need
- To realize development in the society.
- _________
- _________
Why people worked in traditional African society
- To feed their families.
- To become famous.
- To be seen hardworking.
- To set good example to children.
- To be wealthy.
- To earn respect.
- Laziness was discouraged.
Reasons why god wants us to work
- Work is ordained by God.
- To continue with his work of creation.
- To emulate Jesus who also worked hard to save man.
- To make our environment better.
- To improve our living conditions
- To spread news about His Kingdom.
- To serve others through our abilities. {Romans 12:6-8}
- To be self- reliant
- _________
- _________
- _________
Division of work at home
- Every member in the family has a role to play.
- Family members share work according to ability, age, type of work and status.
- Shared work becomes lighter and takes less time.
- Sharing work promotes unity, love and joy in the family.
- Sharing work encourages members to avoid laziness
Colossians 3:23
- We should work with all our hearts as if we are serving God.
Thessalonians 3:10:12
- Paul encourages us to work hard and avoid laziness.
- Those who do not work should not eat.
5. Forms of child labor { 2 kings 5:2}
- A child is any person under the age of 18 years.
- Child-labour- using children to do adults’ work.
- Child labour includes:-
- Operating heavy machines
- Working as house helps.
- Working at farms and on construction sites.
- Hawking
- Carrying heavy loads
- ___________
- ___________
- ___________
Why are children engaged in child labour?
- Poverty
- Death of parents
- Neglect by guardians and parents
- Drug abuse
- __________
- __________
- __________
Effects of child labour
- Children do not enjoy life- spend most time working.
- Children fail to go to school.
- Affects the health of children.
- Some are paid very little or no pay at all.
- Children are exposed to harassment and sexual abuse.
- Children engage in irresponsible behaviors
- Children develop fear because of mistreatment.
- Children are exposed to dangers that can even cause death.
- Working in the community
- Community work:-
- Building roads
- Clearing rubbish
- Building dams.
- Digging bore holes.
Effects of community work {2 Thessalonians 3:6-13}
- Enhances unity in the community
- Reduces poverty
- Improves quality of life in the community.
- Encourages people to work hard.
Nb: apostle Paul worked as a tent maker to earn his living.
8. Working for the nation {Romans 13:6-8}
- Different jobs in Kenya
- Doctors
- Technician
- Policeman
- Farming
- Nurses
- Lawyers
- Everyone should work well in order to help our nation.
- If people are lazy, poverty will strike our nation hence thieves increase.
- Bible encourages us to work hard to support the government by paying taxes.
- Paying taxes enables the nation to develop.
Dignity of manual work {2 Thessalonians 3:7-8, Acts 18:1-4, Genesis 4:2}
- Manual work makes our lives better and helps us to have enough basic needs.
- Manual work keeps our environment safe.
- Examples of manual work in the bible:-
- Apostle Paul was a tent maker
- Cain was a farmer.
- Abel was a herdsman
- Joseph was a carpenter
- ____________
- ____________
- ____________
- ____________
What it means to work for God.
- We use our talents and abilities to serve God through others.
- All work is a way of partnering with God e.g. doctors, teaching e.t.c.
- Preachers, pastors, priests and evangelists serve God directly.
- Voluntary work requires no pay but is a way of serving God through the needy.
- We are encouraged to receive servants of God; Jesus sent his disciples and commanded them not to carry money, food, clothes. Jesus expected people to provide for them.
Attitudes towards work{Luke 18:9-14}
- Should appreciate it because it helps us earn a living.
- View work with dignity since through it we are able to provide basic needs.
- Work is a service to God and the community.
- All work is meant to help man live a comfortable life.
- What is work?
- Why did God put man in the Garden of Eden?
- State 3 reasons why people worked in traditional communities
- Apostle Paul worked as a?
- Give two example of child labour
- Why is it important for Christians to work together?
- The slave girl who foretold the future and was healed by Paul was from?
- Whoever does not work should not____________
- Cain worked as a ?
- Elisha worked as a____________before God called him to be a prophet.
Our hope after primary school
- Hope is a strong desire or expectation that something will happen or true.
- People have hopes about different things at different times.
- Hope gives meaning to life
- Examples of things one can hope for:-
- Getting a good job
- Getting married.
- Getting children
- Joining university.
- Start a business and travel across the world.
- Hopes that are realized in future are called distant hopes.
Biblical approach {Romans 8:23-25,28}
- Paul tells us that the whole of God’s creation expects His salvation. We should patiently hope for good things in life.
- ________ should accompany hope in order to have salvation.
- A person without hope is called?
- The book of Romans was written by?
- List FOUR things one can hope for in life.
- Which are the two main types of hopes?
Our hopes for future adult life
- An adult is a grown up person who in most cases is independent.
- An adult has to be over 18 years of age according to Kenyan Law.
Rights and privileges of an adult in Kenya
- Acquire a national identification card[ID}
- Seek employment.
- Getting married.
- Running business
- Joining church ministry
- ___________
- ___________
Biblical Approach
Psalms 138:7-8
- God keeps his promises and his love is everlasting.
Jeremiah 29:10-14
- God knows the pans he has for us.
1 Corinthians 13:9-13
- God wants us to proper in all ways.
- Spiritual growth enables us to understand the plans of God.
- Having good feelings about good things that will happen to us is called?
- Who will receive eternal life?
- The greatest hope that a committed Christian should have is?
- Who is an adult according to the Kenyan law?
- Write the authors of the following books
- Psalms
- Jeremiah
- Corinthians
- Name the prophet who prophesied about the new covenant.
C. How we overcome disappointments {1 Corinthians 13:9-13}
- Disappointment- a feeling of sadness because something has not happened as you hoped for.
- Disappointment happens as a result of broken hopes
Ways of overcoming disappointments
- Setting achievable goals
- Being focused on strengths
- Developing a positive attitude towards everything we do.
- Being prayerful.
- Trusting in God in all our undertakings.
- Being hardworking.
- Accept situation we cannot change.
Results of disappointments
- Feeling unhappy
- Feeling discouraged
- Feeling frustrated.
- Lack of sleep.
- Loss of appetite.
- Disappointment is the
- The leper who said ‘thank you’ was a
- List three things we can do to avoid disappointment
- List two results of disappointment to a human being
What the church hopes for
- Church – it refers to a congregation of believers/worshippers.
- A person who believes and follows Jesus Christ is called a Christian.
- Christians hope for:-
- The second coming of Jesus
- Peace and unity in the world.
- Salvation of yet non-believers by Christ.
- Good deeds.
- Eternal life with Christ.
New life in Christ is characterized by
- A holy life
- Preaching
- Teaching the good news.
- Singing.
Christians can achieve their hopes through:
- Praying to God
- Reading the bible
- Going to church and worshipping.
- Confession that Jesus is our savior.
- Name two beliefs for Christians
- Disciples of Jesus were first referred to as ‘Christians’ in a town called?
- Jesus ascended to heaven from the town of?
- Name the helper that Jesus promised His disciples.
- Name four things that the church hopes for.
E. The Wisemen hope for the king
- Jesus was born in Bethlehem of Judea
- Prophet Micah prophesied that the messiah would be born in Bethlehem
- Wisemen studied a unique star.
- The star first led them to Herod’s palace- the then king of Judea.
- Jesus was the hope of the whole world, so God protected him from being killed by King Herod.
- The wisemen brought the following to the baby Jesus:-
- Gold
- Frankincence
- Myrrh
- Jesus was brought up {grew} in Nazareth.
- Name three gifts that the Wisemen brought to baby Jesus.
- The name Jesus means?
- Which King was the ancestor of Jesus?
- ___________ is known to be the city of David.
- The Wisemen came from the?
- Prophet________foretold the birth of Jesus.
- Prophet_____prophesied about the killing of babies by Herod soldiers.
F. A sure hope for human kind {Mathew 1:18-22, Romans 5:12, John 17:25-26}
- Mary was a virgin Jewish lady and had an engagement with Joseph- a descendant of David.
- Mary conceived through the power of the Holy Spirit.
- The message was taken to Mary by Angel Gabriel.
- Prophet Isaiah refers to the baby as Emmanuel- meaning God with us
- The gentiles were to put their hopes in him.
- When Jesus was presented to the temple, a man called Simeon was moved by the Holy Spirit and spoke good about the baby Jesus.
- Who was the earthly father of Jesus?
- Give four titles used by prophet Isaiah to describe Emmanuel
- Who wanted to kill baby Jesus?
- The wisemen were guided by a?
- Jesus was a revelation and salvation for the who were not Israelites .
- Name 3 occasions Jesus encountered with the gentiles.
G. Our ambitions in life {Micah 6:6-8}
- An ambition is a determination to be successful in a certain area.
- Being a doctor
- Being a pilot
- d. Being a teacher
- Prophet Micah teaches that we should worship God in a just way.
- Just- being fair in the way we treat others
- God expects us to be:-
- Just
- Loving and caring to everybody
- Humble
- Prayerful.
- What did Simeon, a man full of the Holy Spirit, foretell about what Jesus would do to the gentiles?
- Name three purposes God has for your life
H. Jesus Christ hope of eternal life
- Eternal life- life with a beginning but has no end.
- Eternal life is also called everlasting life
- Eternal life starts on earth when one repents his/her sins and gets baptized.
The origin of death
- Adam and eve disobeyed God.
- The sin of disobedience separated people from God and God pronounced death as one of the punishment on man.
Christians view of death
- Death does not mark the end of life of a Christian believer.
- John 3:16 says God sent His son Jesus Christ so that however believes in him shall not perish but have everlasting life.
- Eternal life is also called?
- When does eternal Life begin?
- Initiation in Christianity is equivalent to________in African Traditional Religion
- The tree that man ate from is known as the tree of?
- Apart from death, state other punishments God gave to
- Snake
- Eve
- Adam
How eternal life is received
- Death came by means of a man called Adam and resurrection will come through Jesus Christ.
- When the body is buried it is immortal or perishable but when raised it is immortal or imperishable.
- Jesus died and was buried.
- He rose from the dead after 3 days with a spiritual body.
- State 3 women who were first to see the resurrected Jesus
- Jesus resurrected on _____________
- __________ offered a tomb to bury the body of Jesus.
- Name the seven deacons
Life after death (John 14:1_30)
- In the ATR{ African traditional religion} people believe in life after death, so does Christians.
- In ATR children are named after the dead as a show of honor
- The dead are involved in rituals such as circumcision
- Christians bury the dead and wait for the day of resurrection
- We should not be afraid of death but respect God and love so as to inherit the kingdom of God.
- State the common belief among the ATS and Christians. Both believe in______________
- What is the significance of bloodshed during circumcision?
- Naming children is very important in ATS. Name four ways of naming the children in ATS
- “Go wash your face in the pool of Siloam”. Siloam means? ________ {Luke 9:1-12}
- Give the meaning of the following names:
- Emmanuel
- Isaac
- Jacob
- Jesus
- Rabbi