The Kenya Universities and Colleges Central Placement Service (KUCCPS) has once again opened the Online application portal for KCSE graduands.
KUCCPS, in its notice, said the application is open for form 4 high school leavers intending to join technical and vocational education and training (TVET) institutions.
This is an open opportunity to form fours who missed a previous chance to apply for placement to TVET institutions of their choice.
This is the last chance in 2019 offered to the Secondary school graduates by the University and placement body to apply and further their studies in an area of interest.
Kuccps says the application is open for Diploma, Craft Certificate, and Artisan Certificate Courses.
These TVET courses are being offered in all the Kenyan National Polytechnics, vocational training institutes and technical institutes.
KUCCPS Application Deadline for 2020 TVET Admission
The portal was opened on the 20th of November 2019 and will be closed on December 31st, 2019.
What are the Minimum Entry Requirements to Apply for Diploma, Craft Certificate, and Artisan Certificate Courses?
The following are the minimum entry requiremmets/ qualifications for a Diploma, Craft, and Artisan Certificate Course.
Diploma Course Minimum Grade Requirements
A candidate needs to have scored at least a mean grade of C- (minus) and above in the Kenya Certificate of Secondary Education KCSE.
Craft Certificate Minimum Grade Requirements
To Enrol for Craft Certificate Course, the form four leaver needs at least a mean grade of D (plain) and above in the Kenya Certificate of Secondary Education KCSE.
Artisan Certificate Minimum Grade Requirements
Kuccps demants that the minimum grade to enroll for an artisan certificate course is a KCSE Mean grade of D – (minus) and below
The placement body has further outlined some additional entry requirements, where the need is, in the KUCCPS online application portal.
How to Apply for 2020 TVET Courses
- Read the application guides provided on the Kuccps Online Student Portal.
- Using a Computer or Mobile phone with an internet connection, Log in to the KUCCPS Student’s Portalat and apply for the available programs.

TVET Course Application Eligibility
All high school graduands who posses a KCSE certificate are eligible to apply for TVET admission. Other than the course’s minimum requirements, they need not have previously benefited from Governemtn sponsorship.
TVET 2020 Admissions Dates
Upon successful application, the applicants will get response to join their chosen colleges and be admitted from January 2020.
Where Can I get More information and Help to Apply for 2020 TVET Course?
Form four leavers interested in pursuing TVET courses can visit the website
Alternatively they can call the following phone numbers provided by the Kenya Universities and Colleges Central Placement Service (KUCCPS).
- 020 5137400,
- 0734879662.
- 0723954927
This information is provided to the general public, courtesy of the Chief Executive Officer of KUCCPS.