Nzoia County Polytechnic Courses Offered, Contacts and Application Procedure
Nzoia County Polytechnic is a registered Public Vocational Training Center located at Moi’S Bridge Machine-Nzoia Market in Busia County, Kenya.
Nzoia County Polytechnic Contacts
Institution Name: Nzoia County Polytechnic
Address: P.0 Box 55-30202 Moi’S Bridge
Phone no: 715325840
Email: none
Physical Location of Nzoia County Polytechnic
County: Busia
Location: Moi’S Bridge Machine-Nzoia Market
Plot No: –
Nzoia County Polytechnic Courses Offered
1. Trade Test Motor Vehicle Mechanics (NITA) for a maximum of 30 trainees
2. Trade Test Electrical wireman (NITA) for a maximum of 20 trainees
3. Trade Test Masonry (NITA) for a maximum of 20 trainees
4. Trade Test Information Communication Technology (NITA) for a maximum of 20 trainees
5. Artisan in Electrical installation (KNEC) for a maximum of 20 trainees
6. Artisan in Motor vehicle technology (KNEC) for a maximum of 20 trainees
7. Trade Test Tailoring (NITA) for a maximum of 40 trainees
Nzoia County Polytechnic Registration Status
Current Registration Status: Registered And Licensed
Registration Date: 1/12/2018
Expiry Date: 1/11/2023
Registration No: TVETA/PUBLIC/VTC/0002/2018
Nzoia County Polytechnic Category
Category Name: Vocational Training Center
Category: VTC
Type: VTC
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Source: Technical and Vocational Education and Training Authority, TVETA