Online TSC Payslips – Login, Register, Download and Related Questions-Updated
As we continue to embrace technology, where everything is done online, the Teachers Service Commission, TSC, has made it possible for Kenyan teachers registered under the TSC to get their payslips online. The problem is that most people don’t know how to go about it. Teachers sometimes fall into the hands of people who want to use their details and confidential information to benefit themselves, but not anymore.
Here I have a guide on doing it all by yourself with illustrating images and essential links. By the end of this article, you need to know;
- How to register for TSC payslip online
- How to log in to get a TSC payslip
- How to view TSC payslips online
- How to download TSC payslips online
- What is in the TSC payslips
- The frequently Asked Questions regarding TSC payslips
Let’s get to it.
How to register a TSC account
When registering for online TSC payslips, you need to be a registered TSC member. First, create an account at TPAD using this link here,

When creating a TSC account, you are required to have a couple of things.
These include;
- ID number
- TSC number
- Taxpayer’s pin
- Bank account number
- Mobile number

Hard copy documents that need to be scanned include;
- Your certifications
- ID card
- Passport-sized photo
- Registration fee slip for persons in who paid through bank
To be a registered member by TSC, with a teaching number, a non-refundable fee of 550 KES is paid either through the bank or M-pesa. The pay bill number is 547700. The people using a bank, 01001000905001 as the account number and National Bank of Kenya, Harambee Avenue. Then, input the account name as TSC. After a successful TSC account creation, follow this link to log in to the TSC website.
Note; when registering TSC payslips, ensure all information is correct because providing false information leads to instant deregistration.
When you open the TSC window, it will display various descriptions to choose which Service you want. To access the TSC payslip, you click TPAY. There it has more information on TSC payslips. You will need to log in and input a password. The password created before is the one to use. After you are logged in, you can view TSC payslips as per the chosen years. You can also update and change any information and reset passwords. Always remember to enter an excellent solid and easy-to-remember password.
How to login to your TPAY account
Go to and log in into your account. When logging in, you only require two things. As illustrated in the image⬇️
First, you need your username, either your TSC number or National identity number—secondly, the password. From there, you’ll be able to login into your TPAY account and access your account. After logging in, the landing page will have information on where you want to access it. Next, we introduce you to how to download a TSC payslip because before you view it, you have to download it first.
How to download TSC payslips
Before viewing the TSC payslip document, first, you will be required to download it. After logging in to the leading TSC portal, click the online Service followed by the online payslip option.
Accessing the TSC payslips, you have two options, view payslips and send payslips.
When you click view payslips, you will have a
- Menu
- Latest payslips
- Latest p9
You need to click the ‘view payslips’ to access them online only. You can also view TSC payslips of subsequent months by filtering using months. You can also request TSC payslips through the send payslips. You can have a copy of TSC payslips by printing it out.
When registering for TSC payslips, you need to be more careful. There are people out there saying we offer TSC payslips; you need to be serious with them because some want to use your confidential details, which may cause problems later.
Frequently Asked Questions on TSC payslips
How do you register for online TSC payslips
TSC payslip registration is done Through the TSC online portal and the TPAD2 portal
How to login to access TSC payslips?
Use your ID or TSC number and password.

What is in the TSC payslip?
The TSC payslip has basic but essential information like
- Your TSC number
- Your job group
- Your full names
- Your National ID
- Your KRA pin
- Payslips month and year
- Retirement date
- Your work station
- Your basic salary allowances and total earnings
- Your all third party deductions plus total deductions
- Your net-income monthly.
Why am I getting ‘invalid names’ as I log in or register?
When registering for TSC payslips, always capitalize the first letter of your name, for example, Fred Masaai. When all are small, letters will be invalid; if all are capitalized will still be invalidated.
Why is my registration not going through?
If you experience a problem registering your TSC payslips contact TSC for help by sending them a mail through [email protected], and they will help. It would help to constitute your full names, TSC number, and the invalid message you got. With that, they will resolve your problem fast.
How do I reset the TPAY password?
Go to the TSC Tpay portal Click on the forgot password tab and enter your TSC number. A six digit sms code will be sent to your phone. Enter the code received under the ‘OTP Code’. Then enter your new password and repeat it again and click ‘reset password’. You can now login into the TSC T-PAY account with the new password.

How do I view my TSC payslips?
Log into the TSC TPAY account, and click on the view latest payslips tab. Here you can get access to all of your TSC payslips. Even previous payslips by entering the year and month you want.
How to send TSC payslips?
TSC payslips are mostly sent to third parties for agreed deductions. After login into your TSC TPAY online account, click on the menu available in the TPAY tab. Then click on the Send Payslip(s) among the list of items. Banks, Sacco’s, Hire purchases, insurance me microfinance, the Teachers Union, and welfares allowed to deduct payments, e.t.c.

How do I update my TSC payslips details?
You can update your TPAY account in the TPAY window. Here you can add a profile and all other things.
As we have seen, it’s easier to follow these procedures to get your TSC payslip without exposing your data to unknown people—all the required step-by-step guides with thumbnails. You only need to do it yourself now.
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